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Key Legislation Underpinning Employment Contracts

The Employment Rights Act 1996 underpins contracts of employment in the United Kingdom.

The terminolgy to use is a written statement of particulars of employment. This summarises the main particulars of the employment relationship and must according to the legislation be given within two months of the person's first day of service.

Whilst the law states two months it would actually be poor form to encourage a person to give up an existing job or prior state of affairs without actually presenting them with the contractual terms of their new role until two months after it has started. The law is quite flexible but if we are truly focused on the quality of the engagement with the prospective member of staff the written statement of particulars really should be issued as soon as possible after the decision to appoint has been made.

Issuing the written statement of particulars at the earliest point means the person is aware of what they being contracted to and can clarify any uncertainties before accepting. Starting a relationship in this manner where possible helps ensure a more harmonious contract.

The key aspects of a written statement of particulars are as follows:

  1. The names of the employer and employee.
  2. The title of the job which the employee is employed to do or a brief description of the work for which they are employed.
  3. Where the employment is not intended to be permanent, the period for which it is expected to continue.
  4. Either the place of work or, where the employee is required or permitted to work at various places, an indication of that and of the address of the employer.
  5. The date when the employment began.
  6. The date on which the employee’s period of continuous employment began (taking into account any employment with a previous employer which counts towards that period). The continuous employment date is often the same as the start date. Where it is earlier this may give the new starter certain employment rights that come with longer service.
  7. The scale or rate of remuneration/pay or the method of calculating this.
  8. The intervals at which remuneration is paid (that is, weekly, monthly or other specified intervals).
  9. Any terms and conditions relating to hours of work.
  10. Entitlement to holidays, including public holidays, and holiday pay.
  11. How incapacity for work due to sickness or injury will be handled, including any provision for sick pay.
  12. Pensions and pension schemes.
  13. The length of notice which the employee is obliged to give and entitled to receive to terminate his contract of employment.
  14. Any collective agreements which directly affect the terms and conditions of the employment. In large organisations trade unions negotiate with the employer on behalf of staff, the agreements they reach with the employer are called collective agreements.

Key to the Organisation Chart

An explanation of the symbols used

collapsed icon This icon represents a unit that has child units. Click it to see the child units.
expanded icon This icon means that a unit has its child units visible. Click to close the child units.
Unit name Click on a unit to get more information on it. If the unit has child units it will open a page showing them too.

Organisation structure details Clicking this icon takes you to some basic theory on organisation charts and structure.
collapse all button This button is Collapse All and when clicked closes all units that have been opened up.
expand all button This button is Expand All and when clicked opens all units so you will see every aspect of the tree.

Welcome to Learning in Small Bites

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Welcome to the free website for people who want to learn about the technology used for keeping staffing details in offices. Using this site you can learn as much from the comfort of your arm chair as you could in two years at work. Here is your chance to practice with systems that you may only have heard about. Get a behind the scenes view of what happens with your information and how it is stored.

This site is aimed at people from school leaving age and above who may be interested in working with what are known as Human Resources (HR) information systems.

If we can help even one person to secure a job in HR or specialise in HR systems as a result of using our free development site then the creators of HRMISolutions and Learning in Small Bites will have achieved what we set out to do.


You will get the best out of this site if you have:

  • A little experience of using a computer, a tablet or a smart phone.
  • A desire to help people to use less effort to achieve more.
  • An interest in office systems (don't worry if you are not sure at the start).


Please sign in to use this form.

Application Form

Personal Details

Please enter details of your postal address.

Current or Most Recent Main Employment

Please enter your most recent employment.
  yyyy/mm format
Brief Description of Duties

Limit of 2500 characters (approximately half a page of A4 text)

Employment History

Please enter any other current and previous employment starting with most recent. Include any unpaid or informal work.
  yyyy/mm format
Job Title/Brief Description of Duties

Limit of 500 characters (approximately a paragraph.)

Education and Training

Please give details of relevant education and training that you have undertaken in date order starting with the most recent.
  yyyy/mm format
Place of Study
Course of Study
Certificates/Qualifications Gained

Professional Bodies

If applicable
yyyy/mm format

Supporting Statement

Limit of 12000 characters (approximately two pages of A4 text)


You are required to give details of your last two employers. If you have not been
employed before, you can give details of your teachers/lecturers.


Criminal Convictions:
Any information given in this section will only be considered in relation to the particular post for which you are applying. Posts which have substantial access to children or vulnerable adults may be exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974.

Do you have any unspent criminal conviction(s)?

If you have an unspent conviction and are shortlisted you will be required to complete a confidential declaration which will be considered as part of the decision making process.

Right to Work in the UK:
Do you require a work permit to work in the UK?

Do you have a work permit?
dd-mm-yyyy format

If successful you will be asked to produce documentation which confirms your eligibility to work in the UK.

I declare that the information given on this form is correct and to the best of my knowledge and belief. I agree to the information provided on this form being transferred to a computer and used for monitoring purposes in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. I understand that any false statements on this form or the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) form may result in an offer of appointment being withdrawn, or my dismissal from the organisation.


In line with our commitment to ensuring the most suitable appointments for posts we need to monitor our processes to check that there is no unfair bias against any groups of applicants.

The information you provide will be treated as confidential and will be used for statistical monitoring and if required interview support only. This page will be separated from your application as soon as we receive it and will not be shared with anyone involved in the selection process.

Do you consider yourself to have a disability?

If you require particular assistance at interview please inform us below.

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