Section | Advice on how to complete |
Save, Save, Save Save, Save, Save |
On every page there is a save button . I cannot stress enough about the importance of saving each page/section before you move off of it or click any other buttons. This is true for this form and any online application form you might use. Please always save as you go along. The experience of spending ages on a section and forgetting to save it can be quite frustrating. |
Personal Details |
This information is populated automatically for you. We have prevented this from being edited because we do not want to risk anyone entering their personal details into what is essentially a demonstration system. |
Current Employment |
If this were a real application form this would be the space for an applicant to enter details of their current or most recent employment or other work that they are involved in. |
Previous Employment Education and Training Professional Bodies
Enter as many made up entries as you like. For each new entry that you want click on the button and a new row will be created for you. To remove any entries that you do not want check the box beside the image of a bin the row will be deleted when you save . |
Supporting Statement |
The supporting statement has an inbuilt rich text editor that allows you to format your text and add tables and graphics. |
References |
This bit allows you to enter details of two fictitious people who can give a reference or testimony of your ability to do the job you have applied for. |
Declarations |
If this were a real application form this is the space where the applicant would declare any unspent criminal convictions and their right to work in the UK. Please do not enter an sensitive information here as this is just a simulation of an application form. A declaration about the information on your form needs to be made. The Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) and the Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA) have merged to become the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS). CRB checks are now called DBS checks. |
Equalities |
The Equalities information is purely for statistical purposes and for assisting the applicant at interview if there are any special requirements. This information is not shared with the interview panel as it is private and personal information. |
Printing and Submitting |
These icons are located on the Declarations page. Click this icon Click this icon |