Help.Contracts Help

In the real world there would be the opportunity to

View Application To view an application form click on and a small window will open to allow you to check the application form. For now, you will just have to select some individuals at random to generate offers and rejections for. The purpose of this page is just to allow you to prepare a contract for a successful applicant to join your bit of the organisation. Normally, in real life, some applicants will be unsuccessful, and would get a polite letter explaining this, as such there is also the option to produce a short unsuccessful letter if you so choose.


Select Yes if you wish to appoint the candidate and want to prepare a contract. Select No if the applicant was unsuccessful and you will not be offering a contract.


Enter the salary and start date that you have agreed with your successful applicant/s. The system has the built in control that only allows you to see the salary range for the advertised grade of your job. Offer the bottom salary unless you are recruiting someone who is bringing significant experience comparable to staff already working for your organisation.


You must enter a start date. Every contract must start from a particular date.

You should enter an end date if the job was advertised as a temporary contract or if the person has agreed to only work with you on a temporary basis. Leave the date empty if the contract is scheduled to be open ended.

You should enter a continuous service date if you are absolutely certain that the person has built up service with your organisation or an allied employer. Be very careful with this date and check that any previous service is continuous and that there has not been a break.

Hours and Full Time Equivalent (FTE)

If you leave the hours blank then the person is deemed to be full time and will be expected to work the full time number of hours of the job. This means they are working a full time equivalent of 1.

If the person is working less than the full time hours for the job then they will be working a full time equivalent calculated as hours contracted/hours for job.

So for example if the person is working 27 hours per week and the full time hours is 36 hours then the person is working 27/36 hours and is therefore a 0.75 fte each week.

divided by 36 hours = FTE


As soon as you save your decision it will be available for the person to view in their account. If you want to view their letter or email yourself place a tick in the letter check box against the applicant you are interested in. Alternatively select all of the applicants by ticking the check box at the top of the list Letter .

In real life you would print off a contractual offer, have it authorised and signed by an authorised signatory then send it out either by post or email.

Section last updated on 20/10/2015