An advert is a standardised way of communicating to prospective employees that an organisation has a vacancy that they would like people to apply to be considered for.
Heading | Advice on how to use |
Title |
This is the formal name by which the job is known within the organisation. There is no need to use such expressions as Part-Time..., Fixed-Term... or Temporary in a title. This is because the job is normally the same irrespective of the employment duration or hours per week. |
Release to website on |
This is the date on which the job will become visible on the organisation's web site for people to apply. This is very useful if you get your work done in advance. |
Closing Date |
This is the date on which the job advert will close and all applications. Applications will not be able to be submitted after this date. The closing time is usually 23:59:59 on the closing date. |
Department |
This is normally the area of the organisation that is responsible for the job. For simplicity in this fictional organisation we have just used the top level units of the organisation. In a real system it would be possible to specify any service within the organisation. We have looked at organisation units previously when we looked at the organisation structure. |
Grade |
Every job in an organisation will normally have a pay range attached to it, this is called the grade. This is achieved by carrying out a job evaluation excercise. |
Hours |
This is the full time hours for the job. Knowing this information is useful if anyone works part-time as it enables them to be certain what fraction of the job they are doing. |
Salary range |
This is the monetary value for the points that make up the grade for a job. The start and end values of the salary range are populated automatically from the grade. |
Duration |
This indicates whether the job to be filled is open ended, normally called permanent, or for a fixed period of time, normally called fixed term. |
Job Type |
Jobs in large organisations are often broken down into types or groups that do like work with similar terms and conditions. |
Main Duties and Responsibilities |
This is normally a short and interesting summary of the main things that a person working in the role would be responsible for. This needs to be enough to catch the attention of prospective applicants. The main details will be in the job specification which accompanies the advert. |
Key Requirements |
If there are any essential requirements for the job these can be mentioned here so that prospective applicants can decide whether they have what is wanted. Further details would normally be set out in the job specification which accompanies the advert. |
Further Details |
This is for any information that might not have been included above. This is a useful place to give details of how to apply if the applicant is unable to use an online system. |
General Details Link |
This is an optional link that could be used for something as simple as a page stating whom to contact if there are any questions about the job. |
Job Specification Link |
This would normally be a link to web page where the job specification can be accessed. Click on the icon
If you do not have a job specification of your own please fee free to use the generic administration link below. |
Equality Statement |
Some organisations attempt to address under representation of groups of staff by including a statement that welcomes applications from people form those under-represented groups. This is a positive action way of letting a diverse range of applicants know that the organisation would like them to apply to be considered. |
Publish |
This box is ticked when the advert has been signed off and it has been agreed it can go on to the organisation's website. . Normally the person who signs off a job advert for publication is someone different who proof reads and double checks it first. Because this is a demonstration system we have let the advert creator release it for publication too. |