Project Assurance
We operate PRINCE2® project management methodology and tailor it to the culture or the way that organisations operate. An important service that we can offer to your major projects is Project Assurance. We are qualified and experienced to advise and guide on most HR and HR systems projects. Our primary interest is in helping you ensure that any important projects you might have in place remain aligned with what you set out to deliver, that your resources are optimally used and you will achieve project outcomes that are value for money within the timescales you planned.
This is a service that assists your project by helping to focus on
- your business interests
- the interests of those who are supplying the products that your project requires and
- the interests of those who will use the outputs of your project.
Some of the main benefits of having independent project assurance is that it continuously verifies for you that your project continues to provide value for money and that any risks affecting your project continue to remain within what your project can tolerate.
Projects can have a tendency to creep away from what funds were initially authorised for and gradually move into areas of other interest and in some cases even become business as usual with no particular end in sight. Project Assurance helps you ensure that focus remains on an acceptable solution being developed and that the project is not changing its focus.
Part of the role is to help ensure for you that your needs are specified in an accurate clear and unambiguous manner and that the project's expected products are appropriately described. As well as this Project Assurance continuously reviews proposed solutions with a view to assessing whether they will meet your users' needs.
Project assurance is a role that stays with your project throughout its lifecycle and is as involved in reviewing your project progress as you choose.