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Our Principles

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Our principles, values and innate approaches to how we work are clear throughout the rest of this web site. Some other specific principles are explicitly set out below:


Any decisions taken will be solely in terms of your organisation's ongoing legitimate interests. Decisions will not be taken in order to prolong work with, or transfer work to, HRMISolutions or its associates.


Representatives of HRMIsolutions will not place themselves under any financial obligation to outside individuals or organisations that might influence them in the performance of their duties with your company.


Representatives of HRMISolutions are accountable for their decisions and actions and will be able to explain the rationale for any advice, guidance or approaches taken whilst working with your company.


Representatives of HRMIsolutions will at all times act in such a manner as to uphold principles of dignity and respect at work and to promote the business and ethical values of diversity and inclusion in society.


Your information is of utmost importance to your organisation. No confidential information learned whilst working with your organisation will be shared with other organisations. As part of the start up of any contract we will be guided by your organisation as to what measures are required to prevent breaches of confidentiality.